Some people think that neural network disorders can only occur in the elderly, when in fact this type of disease can occur in all ages. Recognizing the types and ways of prevention must be known in order to anticipate the presence of these diseases. A mother can do everything at once: cooking for the family, checking and replying to e-mails to complete her work, while watching the children who are playing. All is done through a combination of the performance of the brain and neural networks that work together hard. The brain controls all bodily functions, while the neural network sends messages from the brain to various members of the body through the spinal cord. The neural network itself plays a complex role in the human body, which includes controlling: Senses: sight, hearing, smell, touch, and taste. The ability to think, analyze, use logic and process information, memory, and Balance, bodily motor movements, coordination, blood pressure, breathing, digestion, and blood flow...